New Hours and Policies


Monday and Wednesday 10am-4pm

Tuesday and Thursday 4pm-9pm

Two Sundays a month (rotating with holidays) 10am-4pm


Rebooking Discounts, Sick Calls, Late-Show and No-Show Policies

To help keep rates reasonable and because Masaje is such a small business, the importance of keeping your appointment and being punctual is neccesary.


Rebooking discount ($10 off) : The rebooking discount will now be applied to the NEXT SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT. If the rebooked appointment is missed you will forego your discount. (At the end of your massage appointment and you would like to rebook, you will receive $10 off that next booked appointment)


Sick Calls: In this industry and specifically at Masaje, it is understood the seriousness of illness. To honor the health of both therapist and client it is important to know the boundries of contact. We all try to keep as healthy as possible but regardless it is essential to be honest and respect ourselves to help contain any spread of viruses. We understand that sickness can creep up last minute, however do ask that you try to give at least a 24-hour notice if you aren't feeling well. This will allow the appointment to either be filled or at the very least not have a therapist unoccupied and costing time. *****If it's the day ahead and you aren't sure how you'll feel in the morning, it's best to contact me so we can decide if the appointment should be rescheduled.****


Late-Shows: Life happens!! That being said, your appointment does come with a buffer time if you hit traffic lights or a train or just need an extra minute to Zen-out before your massage time. It is ultimately up to the massage therapist and the work load of the day if you will be alotted extra time for tardiness. If you want to be guaranteed your full appointment time, it is up to you to be punctual. Masaje Bodywork Studio can keep rates low for you because of the structure and maintenance of all appointment times.


No-Shows: Nothing stinks more than a wasted work day. Out of respect for both therapist and client it is imperative that appointments are being fulfilled. A 24-hour advance notice to cancel appointment BY PHONE OR TEXT MESSAGE will be manditory. If the appointment is forgotten or cancelled within 24 hours, you may be charged for the full amount of appointment if it cannot be filled. Future appointments may not be made until payment has been made for missed time.


To help avoid conflict with appointment scheduling, your massage therapist will try to contact you the night before your appointment. This is a courtesy call and will not be considered a 24 hour notice if you need to cancel. So please make a point to mark all times in your calendar to help avoid any problems.



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